Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Weirdest Thing ....

I've seen alot of crazy shit in my time, but I think this one takes the cake for weird shit at work. Now, I like my cell phone as much as the next guy. But I'm not obsessed with it. A few moments ago, I walked into the bathroom to take care of my standing up business and I hear a voice. There is someone talking on their cell phone while in the bathroom. You might think, well Cincy, maybe the dude just needs some privacy, after all, it is like 17 degrees outside. I can buy that, but it gets worse .....

He was in a stall. Maybe he's just sitting there talking. Wth the stall door, you get a modicum of privacy. Then you hear the sound you know and love ...... plop. When you work in an office environment, especially where I work, you have the oddest assortment of shut ins, antisocialites, and otherwise freaking weirdos. I don't know if I want to sit on the same seat as some 250 lb. guy who smells a bit weird. SO, it's bad enough to take a shit at work, but then to talk on your phone ... while taking a shit. That is just fucking weird.


TG said...


Cincysundevil said...

I still couldn't believe it after I left the bathroom ... some people have no shame