Thursday, December 08, 2005

I Wish I Was This Cool ....

This is so appropriate. So many of my female friends have commented how some old boyfriend will call them up out of the blue, just like Rob calling Charlie (Katherine Zeta Jones) in the movie. I tell them it's for one of two things, 1. Either to hook back up (bootie call or rekindle the old flame) or 2. Trying to figure out what is wrong with him.

Which John Cusack Are You?


Cincysundevil said...

LOL .. it's good to be back. I am now going through and catching up on everyone's blogs. You've got quite the community over on your site there; very nice!!!

yournamehere said...

I still can't believe you left the Natty. And just when the Bengals were getting good.

Cincysundevil said...

What a better time to leave; at least I don't have to see people wearing those hideous 80's style Zubaz pattern pants in orange & black