Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fat, Stupid, Minivan Driving Housewifes And Beans

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. As I'm fond of noting, moving sucks. I've got a million boxes and a million little things to pack. But I just had to post about what I saw this morning. The pic to the right is about the only punishment fitting for what I saw this morning .....

There was an accident near my apartment so naturally the place is crawling with as many out of shape city cops as any donut establishment. So I get stuck behind about 5 cars, 2 of those being cop cars. We meander up the road a bit to the Interstate where I hop on the off-ramp and then would normally proceed to work.

As I'm about 100 yds from the off-ramp I see something that not only is dangerous but infuriating. A mini-van with a fat suburban housewife is driving up the off-ramp. Yep, she is driving back up the off-ramp because apparently this tub of shit is too lazy to read or is too dumb, you decide. Anyways, she nearly causes an accident with one of the cars in front of me as he jams on his brakes to slow down enough to get around her. Here's the worst part: there are 2 city cops right there .... and neither one of those useless sacks of shit does a thing. Nope; they both just keep driving as if nothing happened.

Now, if I had been driving up the off-ramp, you damn well know that those cops would've had me spread out all over the Ohio pavement like some sort of unholy bean spread (pun intended). They'd have cuffed, stuffed me, and probably dragged my ass all over God's green earth. But not the fat housewife ... not even a light or siren was ever turned on. These are the same cops I've seen follow a car load of black teenagers, pull them over, and have them spread eagle on the street no matter the weather (rain, sleet, snow, or shine). Sorry to rant but this just pissed me off so fucking badly, I was screaming at the cops to pull her over. Guess they were too busy looking for the next donut shop. Anyone else seen anything that has pissed them off lately?


Andi said...

My angry midget came back to the library. 'Nuff said.

Scarlet Hip said...

Come to South Florida and drive here for a day. I guarantee you it's 10x worse than anything in Ohio. I may have to blog about this. In fact, I will. Thanks!

Modigliani said...

go read Ruben's post today about the poor old lady who gets the taser from a cop who couldn't "handle" her. Very disturbing news story.

NML/Natalie said...

Hey stranger! I must admit that I do find drivers in the US quite scary! Hope you are surviving moving x

Cincysundevil said...

Thanks! I wish I could've caught up with ya this past weekend. Moving is never at a convenient time.

Cincysundevil said...

Angry midget? ... lol ... he's back again 'eh? What book is he raving about this time?

Cincysundevil said...

I can only imagine with all the retiress how bad traffic is. It was pretty bad in Arizona as well; we had all the snowbirds showing up all the time there.

Cincysundevil said...

I read that! How crazy is that? A grandmother out of control? Sounds like lazy cops to me.

Cincysundevil said...

I've finished moving although not quite unpacked yet. We'll see how that goes next!