One picture in particular had him at about age 19 trying to strike what he considered a "hot" pose. It consisted of him with a light pink (almost white) button down shirt opened all the way down to the belly button with jeans on, bony chest exposed for the world to see. However, what caught my eye in the pic was this white belt. It was a miltary style white belt, which prompted me to ask: Is it ever acceptable for a man to wear a white belt?
He had another picture of him in high school. In this pic, he was wearing an t-shirt (I believe it was either like an OP or Vuarnet) and he had the shirt tucked into some khaki shorts. Again: Is it ever acceptable to wear a t-shirt tucked into shorts?
In the midst of being photographed while getting felt up by unibrow guy, one of Lindsay's buddies on one of her adventures prompted me to ask this one: Is it ever acceptable to wear sandals and socks?
These are questions that need to be asked in order for me to sleep at night. And trust me, no one likes a cranky Devil.
White belts are bad on men and women. The mere thought of white belts evoke mental images of girls in huge shaker knit sweaters with a white belt over their jeans (and sweater) with a bandana that matches the sweater in their big poofy 80's hair. Oh yeah, those girls are wearing matching leg warmers and wearing Candies shoes!
The only men who should be wearing white belts are marines in dress blues! T-shirts tucked into shorts don't bother me as much, but it's still a bit odd. People who wear socks with sandals should be shipped to gitmo! Such are the rules of Lindsay... :)
PS: should also mention some Russian friends of mine back in Moscow had leather MAN PURSES! And these were like, tough guys...totally bizarre. Men should not have purses!
No, no, no to all of the above!
Can I get a "Hell NO!" Jaysus I shivered at the last question.... Belated happy Christmas and enjoy your new year. To stay safe, stick with this:
No white belts
No socks and sandles. Ever.
Black or navy socks only with black shoes
White socks only go into trainers/sneakers
Multi-coloured socks are a personal choice but get decent ones so you don't look like a cheap nob
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